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Manifestation Magick

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We offer you this free course to celebrate our new online academy!

This course, Manifestation Magick, was made by our owner, Jahendo, in 2020 when the MYF was closed, as a way to support the farm financially. Now that our borders are open again and our community is thriving, we’ve repurposed the program into a free offering as a gift to you to support you in manifesting your dreams! It is a self paced program, with the majority of content still available from the original. It doesn’t have any live sessions or the facebook group, but still all the prerecorded meditations, sound journeys, and more. Please Note: we have significantly improved our quality of videos and content, so the video/audio quality of our following courses will be leagues ahead of this one. Enjoy!

Tired of Your epic ideas and visions not being manifest?

I get it, you are a big dreamer, a change-maker, a creative visionary. You have big dreams, incredible ideas, and awesome projects that you envision regularly. You know that your visions will benefit people and create a positive impact in the world. So what’s missing, why can’t you bring those ideas into form?  

I understand, and I’ve been there too. You find it difficult to be clear on your vision, and you get lost, confused, or unmotivated to make them happen. Maybe you’re missing the magical and PRACTICAL tools to bring your visions to life. You are probably seeking some guidance to get you to the next step, to manifest your true desires. Well, I’ve got good news for you, because manifestation is my specialty, and I help creative visionaries like yourself manifest those big dreams and anchor those visions into reality.

Let’s face it, the world needs your magic now more than ever. You and I both know that by you manifesting your true hearts desires, and sharing your unique gifts with your friends and community, Mother Earth will indeed be a better place. I want to see you shine, I wanna help you manifest your dreams, unlock your magical powers, and ultimately bring your visions to life! Well this course, is designed to do exactly that!


Manifestation Magic,

the solution to your blockages and answer to your prayers!

Divine Alignment of    Heart & Mind

With clarity of the vision in your mind fueled by the passion burning in your heart you create a divine connection with limitless potential to create your ideal reality

Magical AND Practical tools to anchor your vision

We start with the magic and getting your spirit aligned with clarity and making magick. Then we apply practical action steps toward acheiving the goals that will lead to manifesting your mission and living a passionate and purposeful life.

Manifestation Magic 

This magical online immersion is just what you need to kickstart your vision, boost your projects, and start manifesting like the conscious creator that you are! The time is now for you to ground in your intentions for the future, and take aligned actions in the present to get you to where you know you can be! Our divine planet needs you. Sign up today, make the big leap of faith, and take this first step toward manifesting your dreams.

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What this journey will give you 

This course is consciously crafted to give you everything you need to transform your vision into real life. It will give you magical tools to gain crystal clarity on what it is you’re birthing into the world, with practical tools and aligned action plans for making it happen. Ultimately the infinite power to create your reality is in your hands, and I am confident in saying that I will help you every step of the way. This 2 week online immersion is the first step toward getting to living your passionate purpose. You’ll feel the connection of the mind and the heart. The mind to focus and clarify the vision, and your heart to fuel it in the spirit of devotion! And so it is.

Step 1: Clarity of Vision

This will be the first step. Through meditation, sound immersions, shamanic journeys, and gratitude, you will refine that epic vision of yours. This refinement and clarity of your vision will then make it very clear to Spirit, the Universe, your guides, etc. exactly what it is you ARE creating.

Step 2: Vocal Empowerment and Word Magick

In this phase of your journey you will empower your voice and align everything you say with the creation of your dreams, thus speaking it into existence. Through vocal toning, word magick, prayer, affirmations and spellcasting, you will feel confident telling people (and spirit) what it is you are birthing! You’ll gain a solid foundation for prayer, spellcasting and word weaving.

Step 3: Embodiment & Aligned Action

In this phase you will embody your truth, own your visions, and know exactly what actions and steps you need to actualize your intentions. You’ll have a solid plan, with practical actions to take and achievable goals to get you to where you wanna be. Through a special yoga flow, medicine songs, action plans, and ceremony, you’ll have everything you need to get everything you want! The possibilities are endless!

Step 4: Faith – Believing in yourSelf!

This is the last phase that will supercharge all other steps. Through believing in your visions, having faith in your Self and trusting in higher guidance you will 100% be already bringing your thoughts into form! Through prayer, ceremony, and trust exercises, you will be able to completely manifest anything you can imagine!

Alignment of your

(Thoughts + Words + Actions) x Belief

= Manifestation!

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What Will You Learn?

  • practical and magical tools to manifest your dreams
  • tools and techniques to clarify your vision
  • how to use your words to create your life
  • how to take aligned actions towards your goals and visions
  • how to use affirmations
  • meditation

Course Content

Clarity Of Vision ~ Aligning Thoughts
Step 1: Clarity of Vision The first step is getting crystal clear on exactly what it is you are bringing into your life. Getting clear on what you want, gives you then the space to direct your energy toward this manifestation. The more clear you can get, the more specific and clear your results will be. Through meditation, sound immersions, shamanic journeys, and gratitude, you will refine that epic vision of yours. This refinement and clarity of your vision will then make it very clear to Spirit, the Universe, your guides, etc. exactly what it is you ARE creating.

Word Magick ~ Speaking Your Dreams True
In this phase of your journey you will empower your voice and align everything you say with the creation of your dreams, thus speaking it into existence. Through vocal toning, word magick, prayer, affirmations and spellcasting, you will feel confident telling people (and spirit) what it is you are birthing! You'll gain a solid foundation for prayer, spellcasting and word weaving.

Aligned Actions ~ Actualizing the Dream
In this phase you will embody your truth, own your visions, and know exactly what actions and steps you need to actualize your intentions. You'll have a solid plan, with practical actions to take and achievable goals to get you to where you wanna be. Through a special yoga flow, medicine songs, action plans, and ceremony, you'll have everything you need to get everything you want! The possibilities are endless!

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